Thursday 1 January 2009

Website Updated, Xmas Photos, Civic Square etc

Happy New Year to everyone, hope everyone got what they wanted for Christmas. I got a MAN flu, wasn't what I asked for but you should be grateful for anything right? Whilst I was in Denton over the Christmas period, I did not manage to take as many photographs as I wanted, spent most of the time finishing off Christmas shopping and then I was too knackered or the weather was too cold to go on a shoot. However I have uploaded just under 50 photographs, a few of the lights around the Civic Square area, must say this is the first time I have seen it and I am not impressed. What a waste of money not to mention the 100+ years Denton has had a market all destroyed for what a water fountain, flags and a few benches. Would it have been so hard to put this waste of space in the park away from the main traffic. Don't forget kids will be playing in the water in the summer, you have a taxi rank, main roads, traffic fumes also traffic bypass the lights by zooming down Victoria Street. Why didn’t they build the market up use the car park as well where the fair use to be, have a bridge connecting them both up. They could have relocated the few shops left, knocked them down, and make more space for a new market; I think all it needed was a bigger site for the market to attract consumers and the right traders. This is just my thoughts but what a waste of money and time...