Wednesday 15 April 2009

Website updated Easter 2009

Yes its true the website has been updated again, seems to be only every couple of months its being updated now. Hope everyone is having a happy Easter, don’t eat too many eggs will you.. Anyway back to the website, I have uploaded a lot of Ads and quite a few photographs from the years past. Most of the images have come from a couple of books I managed to lay my hands on. The books page has also been updated and more information about the books has been included. PDFs have been added, you can find these on the Other Links page. Unfortunately, my scanner decided to give in half way through scanning but hopefully I will get them done soon as soon as I manage to get a refund for the scanner. Have a happy Easter and enjoy the updates, don’t forget it’s hard to update the website without people uploading images. If you can help then please do, why don’t you take your camera and take a few shoots or look through you’re photo albums, big thanks to everyone that has uploaded.

1 comment:

Adam Moores said...

I think your websites a great idea! You've also done an excellent job of the site itself. I have seen many a website, good and bad in design and functionality. I think you've done an outstanding job Paul! Keep up the good work!