Saturday 26 December 2009

Christmas in Denton 2009

Hope everybody got what they wanted for Christmas, I managed to get quite a few photographs whilst being in Denton over Christmas, most of them have snow in them.. Hopefully I will upload them when I get back to Wales which will be before New Year. Blog will be updated as soon as Ive uploaded them, if anyone has any photographs of the snow please upload them to the website here

Paul Richardson

Thursday 10 December 2009

Website Updated Xmas Lights Switch On 2009
has now been updated with the Christmas Lights Switch On 2009, there are images, video clips and audio from the event. Sorry it took so long to do had loads of stuff on and I've only just got round to it this morning, anyway its done now.

I've had to move the videos/mp3s to a different server, the free servers I use doesn't allow mp3s file nor does it allow files over 8mb.. You shouldn't notice any different but if the images don't show just refresh the webpage.

I will be in Denton over the Christmas period and I have plenty of time to get more images and update the site. I also need to find out the opening times for the shops on Crownpoint North for over the Christmas period.

Hope you enjoy the Christmas page...
Paul Richardson

Thursday 5 November 2009

Bonfire & Christmas Lights

Hope everyone has a safe bonfire night, long gone are the days of the organized bonfire and fireworks display at Stockport Playing Fields, which is a dame shame if you ask me. However the nearest one I know of is in Ashton on Richmond Street which starts at 6pm it has a fair it is free admission, fireworks start at 8pm. Sorry I don't know of any others, there was one at Debdale Park but that was a few nights ago so it’s a waste of time telling you about it know. There seems to be less and less organized bonfires, when I was a kid the one to go to was on Stockport Playing Fields. You use to go behind the wall so everything was safe, I use to stand go on the climbing frame. Something should be done to bring it back, why should we have to travel to Ashton? The community of Denton don't get together that often, carnival, walks, Christmas Lights surely bonfire night would be good. Why did they stop having it on Stockport Playing Fields? Could we get it back with a partition or something? What does everyone else think?

Don't forget the Christmas lights turn on next week (9th November, 6pm) outside the Town Hall. The fun starts from 6.00pm with Denton Brass Band Christmas Carols and Stage Door Drama School.The evening will finish with a spectacular firework display and maybe even a visit from Santa. I should be attending myself but please if you can get any photographs or even video footage please upload them to the website. I've also just been informed there is also an organized bonfire at Wythenshaw Park tonight, fireworks start at 7:30 with the fire being light at 8:00 again there is a funfair for the kids to enjoy.

If you are going or having your own bonfire please remember to be safe....

Have a safe one,

Friday 23 October 2009

Website has been updated... has finally been updated (22nd October 2009)

46 New Images Upload in Photos
Denton Train Station page updated more info and pictures
Video added "Most Expensive Skate Park"
History Page Updated
New links added on Links page
Twitter page added (follow us, update more than blog)
More links added on the blog
Guestbook, mailing list and forums have now been removed...

Hopefully the website will be updated again around the 15th November with photographs and with any luck some video of the Christmas lights being turned on. I will also be in Denton over the Christmas period again so they will be plenty of time to do a few photo shoots. Please don't forget the Christmas Lights Switch on please take photographs if you can.

Enjoy the update...

Paul Richardson

Sunday 18 October 2009

We are now on Twitter...

We have now got a Twitter site for our social networking, however the blog will still be updated with the important stuff. Twitter will allow more social interaction from the website users, leave comments to us, contact other users etc. The Guestbook has been removed from the main banner, no one uses Guestbooks anymore if you want to comment on the website leave comments on Twitter instead. Our Twitter Page

Just incase you don't know we also have a group on Flickr to share photographs with each other if you would like you can check it out Flickr Group

A small update on the site will be done soon, then again after the Xmas lights switch on. Hopefully I will try and upload videos as well as photographs if I can get anyone to lend me a hand...

See ya there,

Paul Richardson

Wednesday 14 October 2009

Latest Denton Manchester News...

Christmas lights in Denton will be switched on Monday, 9th November 2009. Hopefully I will be there but just incase I'm not can someone please take some photographs or possibly Video so I can add them to the website I would be greatful. The location for the event will be at Denton Town Hall at 18:00 admission is free. The event will include the switch on, Father Christmas, live entertainment and a firework display. Please make it if you can, for more information on other Christmas Lights switch on in Tameside visit: Tameside Christmas Lights Switch on 2009

"Stockport Road Playing Fields" was renamed to "Martin Fields Football Facility" in July 2009 the new site cost £1.2m which was funded by both Tameside Council and the Football Foundation. The new site includes natural and artificial turf pitches there's a changing pavilion and car park which will be managed by Denton Youth FC.. Could anyone upload some photographs of the new ground: Upload Here
A commemorative plaque, in tribute to the late councillor Martin Wareing nicked named "Mr Denton" was unveiled at the site on the 9th October 2009. A leaflet with information on Mr Denton can be viewed Here

Denton FC Information:

Denton Youth FC : Denton Town FC

Denton Community College...

Above is an artist impression of what the college will look like, the college's website has been opened but theres not a lot on it yet. For those that don't know the site of the college is being buit on Edgerton Park's Playing fields, Edgerton Park and Two Trees School are closing and merging into the new college or something like that. To me this seems strange, why do this? If its to be named a college then why not open a normal college for people that have left school. The nearest college is either Ashton or Stockport both of which I have been a student off for a couple of years at each and highly reccommend both. Anyway these are just my personal views on the matter, why are they closing both schools anyway?, I'll have a look into this when I get a bit of time.

Below are a few links that will give you some more information:
Denton Community College Official Website
Denton Community College Prospectus 2010
Denton Community College Summer 2009 Newsletter

Other Denton Related Websites:
Tameside Council Twitter Page
Tameside 60 Secs News

Hopefully the website will be updated very soon I should be there over the Christmas holidays and there for the Christmas lights next month. If you have anything to add to the website images etc please upload or email them to me. The website isn't getting updating as much as it should, I live in North Wales so I can't just pop there and take a few photographs when I feel like it. I need the people that use the website to send me stuff, new photos, old photos, postcards, videos, newspaper cuttings anything really to do with Denton and don't forget Haughton Green...

Thanks for reading enjoy the website,

Paul Richardson

Wednesday 23 September 2009

Denton Carnival

If anyone took any photographs of this years carnival could you please upload them. Again I found out that it was the carnival one week too late...

Monday 24 August 2009

Another upate...

Website has been updated again, however Ive only added around 30 images... Ive not been in Denton since Christmas so I've not been able to take new photographs and hardly anyone are uploading images. At this rate the website will not be updated again untill the beginning of 2010, if theres no interest in the website I will close the website in 2010. Thanks to anyone who has bothered to upload images, enjoy the small update...

Wednesday 15 April 2009

Website updated Easter 2009

Yes its true the website has been updated again, seems to be only every couple of months its being updated now. Hope everyone is having a happy Easter, don’t eat too many eggs will you.. Anyway back to the website, I have uploaded a lot of Ads and quite a few photographs from the years past. Most of the images have come from a couple of books I managed to lay my hands on. The books page has also been updated and more information about the books has been included. PDFs have been added, you can find these on the Other Links page. Unfortunately, my scanner decided to give in half way through scanning but hopefully I will get them done soon as soon as I manage to get a refund for the scanner. Have a happy Easter and enjoy the updates, don’t forget it’s hard to update the website without people uploading images. If you can help then please do, why don’t you take your camera and take a few shoots or look through you’re photo albums, big thanks to everyone that has uploaded.

Tuesday 10 February 2009

New Year first update and have now been updated with photographs, maps and other links. Don't forget we really need youre help to keep the websites updated, scans of photographs, postcards, maps, videos can all be uploaded to the website with a quick click of a button. Without them the website wouldn't be updated, I do what I can but I live in Wales its not like I'm on the doorstep and able to take photographs everyday. Big thanks to everyone that has helped, enjoy the update...

Paul Richardson

Thursday 1 January 2009

Website Updated, Xmas Photos, Civic Square etc

Happy New Year to everyone, hope everyone got what they wanted for Christmas. I got a MAN flu, wasn't what I asked for but you should be grateful for anything right? Whilst I was in Denton over the Christmas period, I did not manage to take as many photographs as I wanted, spent most of the time finishing off Christmas shopping and then I was too knackered or the weather was too cold to go on a shoot. However I have uploaded just under 50 photographs, a few of the lights around the Civic Square area, must say this is the first time I have seen it and I am not impressed. What a waste of money not to mention the 100+ years Denton has had a market all destroyed for what a water fountain, flags and a few benches. Would it have been so hard to put this waste of space in the park away from the main traffic. Don't forget kids will be playing in the water in the summer, you have a taxi rank, main roads, traffic fumes also traffic bypass the lights by zooming down Victoria Street. Why didn’t they build the market up use the car park as well where the fair use to be, have a bridge connecting them both up. They could have relocated the few shops left, knocked them down, and make more space for a new market; I think all it needed was a bigger site for the market to attract consumers and the right traders. This is just my thoughts but what a waste of money and time...